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Category: Tech

Enable TLS 1.2 on G6 FTP Server

With many security issues with TLS 1.0 and using SSL Encrypted FTP services, it is time to move on the TLS 1.2 which is an updated version of the SSL layer with better encryption and security.

Some of the FTP sites which I had have implemented TLS 1.2 on various linux systems, however I really needed to implement this on my G6 FTP which i still like to use and have found it a top performance FTP server on windows systems. So to do this we do the following:

Drop in OpenSSL >=1.0 (libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll, libssl32.dll) as a replacement in your G6 installation directory, and add the following line to your settings.ini files for SSL-enabled FTP domains, you can find the files in the Accountsyourdomainname subfolders of your G6 FTP installation (scroll across for the full line to copy):


I have included Open SSL Files for your convenience to download here and copy to the G6 install directory:


Cisco 3560X Switch

I managed to get my hands on the new 3560X model switch from Cisco. This is a new switch from cisco with the “X” branding. Ive noticed it operates much quieter than its previous counterpart, and has lots of new features such as, redundant power supplies, power sharing, 10GB uplink modules, replaceable fans, USB/Ethernet Console. In the the previous model you would get 4x1GB Uplinks, however in the X version you have to buy the module separately, and also you can buy the 10GB module which is awesome 🙂 The switch comes with a universal IOS, default is IP base, so if you want the advanced IP services you have to enter a license key, another new system from cisco. Buying the modules and license keys for versions = more money for them. For more info please see

Ive decided to take a few pics of the switch below, it looks quite nice but a high price tag as you would expect from Cisco. Im still yet to try a 3750X hopefully soon 🙂


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Cisco VPN Client x64 now available!

Cisco has finally got their act together and released a x64 version of their VPN client to be used on Vista/Windows 7. About Time!…I just tested it and works well 🙂 The following is available:

Release Date: 13/Apr/2010
VPN Client Software for x86 64-bit version of Vista/Windows 7 – Microsoft Installer
Size: 4898.00 KB  (5015552 bytes)

And the x86 as well of course:

Release Date: 13/Apr/2010
VPN Client Software for x86 32-bit version of XP/Vista/Windows 7 – Microsoft Installer
Size: 7814.00 KB  (8001536 bytes)

They would probably kill me if I mirrored it on here, im sure you guys can grab a copy of it from somewhere 🙂


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